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a little crisp

my photoshop of bernie being inaugurated instead of trump

these are all with a different opacity of static background. the bottom is at zero, the middle is at 55 percent, and the top is at full 100--I uploaded all three because I wasn't really sure which was the best. I made each layer I used into a smart object, so that (I think) it would modify itself when I went to Filter: Distort: Wave to achieve the level of color disparity present around Sander's jacket and hairline. Unless you haven't noticed, I would have preferred Sanders to win the election, so I found an image of Trump during his inaugural speech and cut him out entirely using the Eraser, Paint and Spot Healing Brush Tool(s). I was actually surprised with how well it take out, given that it could looked really . . . uh, BAD otherwise. In fact I'll put the two original photos below. If I was to do this again, I would change Bernie clothes to make him look more presidential: ie. not a cackle shirt and maybe a United States pin.

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