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I won't do well on this

This is my final project for my High School Photo Illustration class. This took a while to complete; I don't know how long exactly. The portrait is of famous (although rather unheard of) artist Salvador Dali. A lot of his work is present in pop culture, probably his most well known art being 'The Perception of Memory'.

If you feel stupid for not knowing its name, that's fine--neither did I before I went to Google Images.

For whatever reason, we decided to tack on a "weave", wherein the original photo and the portrait were inter-spliced. I posted two pictures was because I preferred the top, as I was under the assumption for most of the year that I'd be doing a refined version of an old project for my final, thus the similarity between Superman and this one.

I don't blame anyone but myself for the way the final (bottom) worked out. I didn't give myself nearly enough time to work on the weave portion, since I was dividing my time between another project and also bought my art class doughnuts on the day it was due.

For this project, I used multiple tools/effects in photoshop:

1-the polygonal lasso; which made the triangles.

2-the rectangular marquee; which created the weave.

3-layer order; helped create the illusion of 3 dimensions, giving the features more of a pop while also giving me the ability to easily redo a triangle.

4-the crop; only used once, and that was just to cut out the lower neck.

5-spot healing/paint brush; filled in spaces left empty after I made all the triangles were drawn.

6-eye-dropper; selected the color filled into each triangle shape,

7-filter: add noise; gave the appearance of gradient on Dali's face. (Salvador Dali's got some big pores, man!)

I am contented with the finished project, and I had fun with my teacher and my fellow classmates. If I had photoshop on my home computer rather than at school, then I would revise all of my projects, including this one, over the summer.

I went through a big personal loss last year. My dog Dutchess, my pet for eleven years, had to be put down in September of 2016. Since I was only three when I got her, we'd both grew up together; it felt like I lost a sister when she died. Most people who didn't own dogs (emphasis on the past tense) won't understand the depression that I felt, but that's OKAY. This class really helped me get away from my grief, and helped introduce me to some really good people, a few of which I'm really looking forward to seeing during sophomore year.

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